About me
- PhD: Cornell, postdoc: Northeastern
- Undergrad major: chemistry
- Worked in the industry as SE
About this course
- Goal: provable security, 1) define the desired security, 2) construct and prove a system
- Rigorous and theoretic approach, comfortable with mathematical proofs
- Prerequisites: Discrete Mathematics, Probability, Theory of Computation
- Website (, my email (wklin-course)
- Office hours (Tue 9:30, Rice Hall 505)
- Course works: 4 HW, final proj, final exam, quizzes
HW policies:
The goal: critical def, rigorous proof, to solve future challenges
- in-class, reference, office hours
- other in-class students (ack)
- other pub (cite)
- ready-made solutions like other people, AI, solutions in prev courses (avoid)
Eg, wrote your own, then google without edit. Good. Another eg, wrote your own, then google and edit. Shall cite or ack.
Internalize your writeup. No direct copying. Must be explainable orally. Edit history (Overleaf) is recommended.
See website for details.
- Survey (quiz) due on Aug 23
A toy example: match-making
Alice and Bob want to find out if they are meant for each other. Each of them have two choices: either they love the other person or they do not. Now, they wish to perform some interaction that allows them to determine whether there is a match (i.e., if they both love each other) or not—and nothing more. For instance, if Bob loves Alice, but Alice does not love him back, Bob does not want to reveal to Alice that he loves her.
Note that the desired function is simply an AND gate that takes an input from Alice and an input from Bob. Also, if we have a trusted third party Charlie, Charlie solve the problem. The question is, can Alice and Bob compute AND without trusting any others?
The protocol
Assume that Alice and Bob have access to five cards, three identical hearts(♥) and two identical clubs(♣). Also assume they have a round dish.
- Put 1 heart face down on the top of dish.
- Both A/B: encode Yes by heart-club, No by club-heart.
- Both A/B: face down their cards on left/right of dish.
- A secretly rotate the cards with dish
- B secretly rotate the cards with dish
- Open all cards, A-B are matched if and only if 3 hearts in a row.
We need to show both correctness and privacy. The correctness is easy. The privacy can be argued by enumeration: all 3 cases {No-No, Yes-No, No-Yes} yield the same sequence (H,C,H,C,H) that is cyclic identical.
Alternatively we can use 2 hearts and 3 clubs to compute AND. To compute OR, we can encode Yes/No oppositely. To compute XOR, we can use 2 hearts and 2 clubs. Unfortunately, these protocols do not compose when we want to compose gates.
Course outline
We will cover:
- Essential primitives: one-way functions (OWF), pseudorandom generators (PRG), pseudorandom functions (PRF), encryption (symmetric key (SK), public key (PK)), authentication (message authentication codes (MAC), signatures)
- Are they different / related? Sure, they serve different purposes. How to study them systematically?
- Construction of the essentials (basic number theory and assumptions)
- Modern crypto (cool stuff): zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP), secure two-party computation (2PC), secure multiparty computation (MPC), fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), my research (oblivious RAM (ORAM), doubly efficient private information retrieval (DEPIR), RAM-FHE)
Related but almost NOT cover:
- System security
- Blockchain
- (Really math) Number theory
- Quantum comp
Classical cryptography: hidden writing
Historically, human considered the scenario of encryption in communication.
- Alice ~~~
~~~> Bob Eavesdropper Eve, an adversary, may be listening on the channel.
Alice/Bob want to hide the message from Eve. To do so, they share two algorithms
- Alice ~~~
~~~>Bob , ciphertext, where is the plaintext- Bob recovers plaintext by
denotes algo computes on input and gets output .
Notice: it is important that which info is public (known to all A/B/E) and which is private. What if Eve knows
Kerchoff’s principle
The enemy knows the system.
~ Claude Shannon. Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems. The Bell System Technical Journal, 1949. []
Reason: the algorithms are eventually leaked to Eve. We shall be conservative.
Consequence: let algos public, but keep a short secret key
Generalize: sample key
Classical encryption
Rotation, substitution, enigma, …. They are mostly broken now. DES? AES?
Modern cryptography: provable security
A principle driven science (instead of an art). Modern cryptography relies on the following paradigms:
- Providing mathematical definitions of security.
- Providing precise mathematical assumptions (e.g. “factoring is hard”, where hard is formally defined).
- Providing proofs of security, i.e., proving that, if some particular scheme can be broken, then it contradicts the assumption.
Definition of secure encryption
We want to accurately model the A-B communication.
Attempt 1
The adversary cannot learn (all or part of) the key from the ciphertext.
It can leak the plaintext.
Attempt 2
The adversary cannot learn the plaintext from the ciphertext.
Leaking some function of the plaintext can be fatal.
Attempt 3
The adversary cannot learn any function of, or any part of the plaintext from the ciphertext.
The adversary may already learned something even not looking at ct.
Intuitive Definition
Given some a priori information, the adversary cannot learn any additional information about the plaintext by observing the ciphertext.
Formal definition
Definition: Private-key encryption.
is said to be a private-key encryption scheme over the messages space and the keyspace if the following syntax holds.
is a randomized algorithm that returns a key . We denote by the process of generating . is a potentially randomized algorithm that on input a key and a message , outputs a ciphertext . We denote by the computation of on and . is a deterministic algorithm that on input input a key and a ciphertext outputs a message . We denote by the computation of . (Correctness.) For all
, (the probability is taken over the randomness of
Definition: Shannon Secrecy.
The private-key encryption scheme
is Shannon-secret with respect to the distribution over if for all and for all , An encryption scheme is said to be Shannon secret if it is Shannon secret with respect to all distributions
over .
The RHS is the distribution of messages without
An alternative intuition is that the distribution of ciphertexts for any two messages are identical.
Definition: Perfect Secrecy.
The private-key encryption scheme
is perfectly secret if for all , and for all ,
Note: this definition is simpler and easier to use.
Perfect secrecy implies Shannon secrecy.
Suppose that
is perfectly secret. For any , any , and any , we have Then, we want to split the joint prob. so that we can cancel it with the denominator. They are not independent, so we rearrange
We will write
instead of , and we want to show it equals to (note is not r.v. but is). The first eq is just sum of prob. The second use perfect secrecy:
for any and . The third is also sum of prob. That implies That givens Shannon secrecy:
Shannon secrecy implies perfect secrecy.
One-Time Pad
Definition: One-Time Pad.
The One-Time Pad encryption scheme is described by the following 5-tuple
: : where : where The
operator represents the binary XOR operation.
One-Time Pad is a perfectly secure private-key encryption scheme.
We need to prove correctness and privacy.
The cost of OTP is the long key
One-Time Pad is Optimal in Key Length
Theorem: (Shannon)
If scheme
is a perfectly secret private-key encryption scheme, then .
be a fixed ciphertext for some fixed . Let . We have as is deterministic. So, there exists . Then, it follows that by correctness. However, we have
, and it violates perfect secrecy.
Notice that we can quantify the difference of probability (which yields a stronger theorem) by quantifying