\[\newcommand{\mul}{\mathrm{mul}} \newcommand{\Enc}{\mathsf{Enc}} \newcommand{\Dec}{\mathsf{Dec}} \newcommand{\Gen}{\mathsf{Gen}} \newcommand{\Samp}{\mathsf{Samp}} \newcommand{\pp}{\mathrm{pp}} \newcommand{\univ}{\mathrm{univ}} \newcommand{\tinv}{\text{ inv}} \newcommand{\tnotinv}{\text{ not}\tinv} \newcommand{\tall}{\text{all }} \newcommand{\tsome}{\text{some }}\]

One-Way Functions

Motivation: Given the impossibility of efficient but perfectly secure encryption, we want to relax our security definition. Intuitively, we want to

  1. encrypt long plaintext many times using a single short key, and
  2. perform “fast” encryption and decryption given the legitimate key, and
  3. ensure that the recovering of plaintext is “hard” without the key.

One-time pads achieves 2 and 3 but not 1. However, OTP achieves 3 only bcs the key space is as large as message. Since we want 1, the key space is relatively small. Very vague, we want a encryption that is easy to compute (to achieve 1) but hard to find any \(k,m\) that \(\Enc_k(m) = c\). (This is vague bcs we can still try any \(k'\) to decrypt \(c\).)

This suggests that we require functions that are

“easy” to compute but “hard” to invert.

That is called “one-wayness” in this lecture. We next define easy and hard computation in terms of efficiency and probability.

Definition of One-Way Functions

We try to define OWF using efficient computation and efficient adversary.

The first may come from NP-hardness.

Attempt: (Worst-Case)

A function \(f : \bits \to \bits\) is one-way if both of the following hold:

  1. Easy to compute. There is a PPT \(C\) that computes \(f (x)\) on all inputs \(x \in \bits\).
  2. Hard to Invert. No nuPPT adversary \(\cA\), for all \(n\in\N\) and \(x \in \bit^n\),

    \[\Pr[\cA(1^n, f (x)) \in f^{-1}( f (x))] = 1.\]

This is implied by \(NP \not\subseteq BPP\), which is a long-open complexity problem. Majority of \(x\) are easy (even we set prob \(\ge 1 - 1/poly\)), open if it is useful for encryption.

Note: nuPPT can store any poly, so there may be more than poly are hard.


A function \(f : \bits \to \bits\) is one-way if both of the following hold:

  1. Easy to compute. There is a PPT \(C\) that computes \(f (x)\) on all inputs \(x \in \bits\).
  2. Hard to Invert. For all nuPPT adversary \(\cA\), for all \(n\in\N\) and \(x \in \bit^n\),

    \[\Pr[\cA(1^n, f (x)) \in f^{-1}( f (x))] \leq 2^{-n}.\]

Impossible: too strong, \(\cA\) is NU and could have many \((x, f(x))\) pairs. Note: \(\cA\) takes \(1^n\) as the security parameter in case \(|f(x)| \ll n\).

Randomize \(x\):


2. Hard to Invert. For any nuPPT adversary \(\cA\), for all \(n\in\N\),

\[\Pr[x \gets \bit^n; y \gets f(x) : f(\cA(1^n, y)) = y] \leq 2^{-n}.\]

Still too strong: \(\cA\) can take poly time to slash some of the possible \(x\).

We may relax by \(poly(n) / 2^n\) or \(2^{-0.1 n}\) on the RHS, but they still too strong to find a candidate. We formalize “very small” by negligible functions, recalled below.

Definition: Negligible Function

Func \(\eps(n)\) is negligible if for every \(c\), there exists some \(n_0\) s.t. \(\forall n > n_0, \eps(n) \le 1/n^c\).

Note: \(\eps\) is smaller than any inverse poly for sufficiently large \(n\).

Note: when the probability is \(\ge 1-\eps(n)\), we often call it “overwhelming”.

Now we are ready to define OWFs.

Definition: (Strong) One-Way Function

A function \(f : \bits \to \bits\) is one-way if both of the following hold:

  1. Easy to compute. There is a PPT \(C\) that computes \(f (x)\) on all inputs \(x \in \bits\).
  2. Hard to Invert. For any nuPPT adversary \(\cA\), there exists a negligible function \(\eps\) that for any \(n\in\N\),

    \[\Pr[x \gets \bit^n; y \gets f(x) : f(\cA(1^n, y)) = y] \leq \eps(n).\]

Note: each \(\cA\) has a different \(\eps\). The definition is asymptotic.

The above definition is standard in literature, but it is still hard to construct: any adversary can only invert a tiny fraction. Many natural candidates, such as factoring, does not meet this. We relax it:

Definition: Weak One-Way Function

A function \(f : \bits \to \bits\) is weak one-way if (… same as strong OWF.)

2. Hard to Invert. There exists a polynomial \(q: \N \to \N\) such that for any nuPPT adversary \(\cA\), for sufficiently large \(n\in \N\),

\[\Pr[x \gets \bit^n; y \gets f(x) : f(\cA(1^n, y)) = y] \leq 1 - 1/q(n).\]

Note: here the prob. \(1-1/q\) is the same for all adv \(\cA\), but in the strong OWF, the prob. \(\eps\) is different and depends on \(\cA\).

Example: some functinos are easy to invert

For any string \(x \in \bits\), there are many easy-to-compute functions:

  • Identity, \(f(x) := x\)
  • Constant, \(f(x) := 0\)
  • Constant output length, \(f: \bits \to \bit^4\)

All of them are easy to invert. Actually, for constant output length, we can invert with constant probability even without looking at \(f(x)\).

Example: Expanding input or output length

Suppose \(f: \bit^n \to \bit^{\ell(n)}\) for all \(n \in \N\) is a OWF, where \(\ell(n)\) is a polynomial. We can obtain another OWF \(g\) such that the output length is the same as input.

  • If output is longer, \(\ell(n) > n\), define \(g\) to be \(g(x) := f(x[1...n]), |x| = \ell(n).\)
  • If input is longer, \(\ell(n) < n\), define \(g\) to be \(g(x) := f(x) \| 0^{n - \ell(n)}.\)

Clearly, such padding is poly-time computable since \(\ell\) is polynomial. The proof of “hard to invert” is a standard reduction.

Example: Any PRG is one-way

If \(g: \bit^* \to \bit^*\) is a PRG, then \(g\) is a OWF.

Fact: \(\exists OWF \Rightarrow NP \neq P\)

Suppose that there exists a OWF \(f\), then there exists a language \(L \in NP\) such that \(L \notin P\).

The idea is to

  1. define the language \(L \in NP\) using \(f\),
  2. assume for contradiction that \(NP = P\) so that we have a poly-time algorithm \(D\) that decides \(L\),
  3. to construct a reduction that uses \(D\) to invert \(f\), which is a contradiction.

A first attempt is to define

\[L := \set{f(x) : x \in \bits}.\]

We have \(L \in NP\) directly since for every \(y \in L\), the witness of \(y\) is \(x\) such that \(f(x) = y\), and correspondingly for \(y \notin L\), there is no witness. However, such \(L\) is unhelpful to invert \(f\): \(D\) outputs 1 bit that does not tell us anything bout \(x\), and even worse, \(L\) could be all binary strings when \(f\) is a permutation (i.e., if \(f\) is a one-way permutation, then deciding \(L\) is trivial). To overcome it, we augment \(L\) with all the prefixes of \(x\), that is,

\[L := \set{(f(x), x[1...i]) : x \in \bits, i \in [|x|]}.\]

This way, for any \(y = f(x)\), the reduction can easily get the first bit of the pre-image by running iteratively \(D(y, b_1), D(y, b_1 b_2), D(y, b_1 b_2 b_3) ... D(y, b_1 b_2 b_3 ... b_n).\) In each iteration, the next bit \(i\) is learned if \(D(y, b_1 ... b_{i-1}b_i)\) accepts. This concludes the proof, and this proof can be extended to imply \(NP \not\subseteq BPP\).

Primes and Factoring

The Prime Number Theorem

Define \(\pi(x)\) as the number of primes \(\le x\). PNT states that primes are dense.

Theorem: (Chebychev, 1848)

For all \(x>1\), \(\pi(x) \gt \frac{x}{2 \log x}\).

Note: the above is easier to prove, but the famous Prime Number Theorem is \(\pi(x) \sim x / \ln x\) when \(x \to \infty\). The above \(\log\) is base 2.

Assumption: Factoring

For any adv \(\cA\), there exists a negligible function \(\eps\) s.t.

\[\Pr[(p,q) \gets \Pi_n^2; r \gets pq : \cA(r) \in \set{p,q}] \lt \eps(n),\]

where \(\Pi_n := \set{p \lt 2^n : p \text{ prime}}\) is the set of primes less than \(2^n\).

Define \(\mul: \N^2 \to \N\) by

\[\mul(x,y) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } x = 1 \text{ or } y = 1 \text{(eliminating the trivial factor)}\\ x \cdot y & \text{o.w.} \end{cases}\]

Easy to compute. For many \((x,y)\) are “easy” to invert: w.p. at least 3/4 when \(xy\) even. It is not strong OWF.


If the factoring assumption is true, then \(\mul\) is a weak OWF.

\(\mul\) is easy to compute. Hard to invert?

Assume for contradiction (AC), for all poly \(q\), exists nuPPT \(A\), s.t. for infinitely many \(n\in \N\),

\[\Pr[(x,y)\gets \bit^n; z = xy : \mul(A(1^{2n}, z)) = z] \gt 1- \frac{1}{q(n)}.\]

Note: the negation of weak OWF.

Then, we construct an adversary \(B\) breaks factoring.

Algorithm \(B(1^{2n}, z)\):

  1. Sample \((x,y) \gets \bit^n\)
  2. If both \(x,y\) prime, let \(\bar z \gets z\); otherwise, let \(\bar z \gets \mul(x,y)\).
  3. Run \((\bar x, \bar y) \gets A(1^{2n}, \bar z)\)
  4. Output \((\bar x, \bar y)\) if both \(x,y\) are prime and \(z = \bar x \bar y\).

We intentionally make the input to \(A\) uniform in \(\bit^{2n}\).

By Chebychev, both \(x,y\) prime w.p. \(\gt 1/ (2 \log 2^n)^{2} = 1/(4n^2)\). Hence, \(B\) fails to pass \(z\) to \(A\) w.p. at most \(1 - 1/(4n^2)\).

By eq (AC), \(A\) fails to invert \(\bar z\) w.p. at most \(1/q(n)\). Choose \(q(n) := 8n^2\) and \(A\) correspondingly.

By union bound, the failure probability of \(B\) is at most

\[\Pr[z\neq \bar z \cup A \text{ fails}] \le \Pr[z\neq \bar z] + \Pr[A \text{ fails}] \le 1 - 1/(4n^2)+1/8n^2 = 1 - 1/8n^2,\]

and thus \(B\) breaks factoring w.p. at least \(1/8n^2\), greater than negl, contradicting Factoring Assumption.

Note: the above reduction assumes efficient primality testing. That is not necessary, left as exercise.

Note: the pattern is common in crypto. Reduction from Assumption (factoring) to Construction (OWF) is bread and butter in this course.

From Weak OWF to Strong OWF

The existence of OWF is long-open. We will show that strong and weak OWFs are existentially equivalent. Clearly, any strong OWF satisfies weak. The challenge is from weak to strong.

We begin with a warmup.


If \(\set{f_n: \bit^n \to \bit^l}_{n\in\N}\) is a strong OWF, then \(g(x_1,x_2) := (f(x_1), f(x_2))\) is also a strong OWF.

Assume for contradiction (AC), there exist poly \(p(n)\) and a nuPPT adv \(A\) such that for infinitely many \(n\in\N\),

\[\Pr[x_1,x_2 \gets \bit^n; y = g(x_1,x_2) : g(A(1^{2n}, y)) = y] \gt 1/p(n).\]

We construct nuPPT \(B\) that inverts \(f\).

Algorithm \(B(1^n, y)\):

  1. \(x_2 \gets \bit^n\) and \(y_2 = f(x_2)\).
  2. Run \(x'_1, x'_2 \gets A(1^{2n}, (y,y_2))\).
  3. Output \(x'_1\) if \(f(x'_1) = y\).

For uniform \(z\gets \bit^n\), the above \((y,y_2)\) is the same distribution as obtaining the output \(g(x_1,x_2)\) by sampling \((x_1,x_2)\gets \bit^{2n}\).

Also, when \(A\) inverts \((y,y_2)\), we have that \(B\) inverts \(z\) successfully. By (AC), \(A\) inverts w.p. \(\gt 1/p\), greater than any negligible function, and it contradicts that \(f\) is a strong OWF.

Note: this is a typical template to prove security by reduction. The quantifiers of (AC) is often the same (to negate negligible).

Observation: the definition of weak states that exist poly \(q(n)\) for all nuPPT; that is, even weak, there is a good fraction, \(1/q\), of instances that are hard for all.

Idea: we repeat the weak \(f\) for poly many instances and ask the Adv to invert all, so that Adv fails with high prob.


For any weak OWF \(f_n: \bit^n \to \bit^l\), there exists a poly \(m(n)\) such that

\[g(x_1, ..., x_m) := (f(x_1), ..., f(x_m))\]

from \(g: \bit^{mn} \to \bit^{ml}\) is a strong OWF.

Note: by def, there exists a poly \(q(n)\) s.t. no adv can invert \(f\) w.p. \(1-1/q(n)\).


Assume for contradiction (AC), there exists a nuPPT adv \(A\) and poly \(p(n)\) s.t. for inf many \(n\in\N\), \(A\) inverts \(g\) w.p. \(\ge 1/p\), i.e.,

\[\Pr[\set{x_i\gets\bit^n, y_i \gets f(x_i)}_{i\in[m]}, y \gets (y_1...y_m) : g(A(1^n, y)) = y] \ge 1/p(n).\]

We want to construct a nuPPT \(B\) to invert \(y=f(x)\) for uniform \(x \gets \bit^n\) by running \(A\). So, the idea is to transform \(y\) into an output of \(g\), that is \((y_1,..., y_m)\). How? \((y,y, ..., y)\)? \((y,y_2, ..., y_m)\)?

We construct \(B_0\) as below to run \(A\).

Algorithm \(B_0(1^n, y)\):

  1. \[j \gets [m]\]
  2. \[x_1, ..., x_m \gets \bit^{n}\]
  3. let \(y_i \gets f(x_i)\) for all \(i\)
  4. let \(y_j \gets y\)
  5. run \(x'_1, .., x'_m \gets A(1^{mn}, (y_1,..., y_m))\)
  6. if \(f(x'_j) = y\), output \(x_j\), otherwise output \(\bot\).

Note: \(B_0\) inverts \(y\) w.p. roughly \(1/p\) by (AC), where the probability is taken over \(y\) and the random tapes. However, our goal is to invert w.p. \(1-1/q \gg 1/p\). Hence, repeating \(B_0(y)\) is necessary.

Algorithm \(B(1^n, y)\):

  1. repeatedly run \(B_0(y)\) poly \(r_1(n)\) many times using fresh randomness
  2. output the first non \(\bot\) output of \(B_0\).

Note: we use the same \(y\) as input, and that makes the probability analysis involved since the repetition is dependent.

By (AC), inverting \(g\) is easy, intuitively there are many \((x,y=f(x))\) that can be inverted by \(B_0(y)\). Clearly that holds for \(A\), but as mentioned, we need to prove it for \(B_0\).

The following claim is the key.

Claim: (many easy instances)

Suppose that (AC) holds. There exists a “large” set \(G_n\) of “easy” instances,

\[G_n := \set{x \in \bit^n : \Pr_{x, y=f(x)}[f(B_0(y)) = y] \geq 1/r_2(n)}\]

for some poly \(r_2(n)\), and \(|G| \geq (1 - 1/2q)\cdot 2^n\).

If the claim holds, then \(B\) can invert by repeating \(B_0\):

\[\begin{align*} \Pr_{x,y}[B \tnotinv] & = \Pr[B \tnotinv \cap x \in G] + \Pr[B \tnotinv \cap x \notin G] \\ & \le \Pr[B \tnotinv | x \in G] + \Pr[x \notin G] \\ & \le (1-1/r_2)^{r_1} + 1/2q \\ & \le e^{-n} + 1/2q \le 1/q \end{align*}\]

We will choose \(r_1(n) := n \cdot r_2(n)\) to get \((1-1/r_2)^{r_1} \le e^{-n}\).

Then, \(B\) inverts w.p. \(\gt 1-1/q\), and it is contradicting that \(f\) is weak OWF. It remains to prove the claim.

Proof of Claim:

Intuition: \(G_n\) is \(B_0\), but essentially \(B_0\) is running \(A\). If \(G_0\) is small, then \(A\) should not invert w.p. \(\ge 1/p\), and thus contra (AC).

Assume for contra (AC2), \(|G_0| \lt (1-1/2q) \cdot 2^n\). We have

\[\Pr[ A \tinv] = \Pr[A \tinv \cap \tall x_i \in G_n] + \Pr[A \tinv \cap \tsome x_i \notin G_n]\]

Since the “easy” set \(G_n\) is small, it is unlikely all \(x_i\) are easy. Formally, by (AC2)

\[\begin{align*} \Pr[A \tinv \cap \tall x_i \in G] \le \Pr[\tall x_i \in G] \le (1-1/2q)^m \le e^{-n}. \end{align*}\]

Note: this is where the repetition \(m\) kicks in (in the construction of \(g\)), and we choose \(m(n) := n \cdot 2q(n)\) to get the ineq.

Also, by union bound,

\[\begin{align*} \Pr[A \tinv \cap \tsome x_i \notin G] \le \sum_i \Pr[A \tinv \cap x_i \notin G] \le \sum_i \Pr[A \tinv | x_i \notin G] \end{align*}\]

Observe that \(\Pr[A \tinv | x_i \notin G]\) is very close to \(\Pr[B_0(y) \tinv | x \notin G]\) as that of the claim. The only difference is that \(B_0\) plant \(y\) in random position. Indeed, for any fixed \(i \in [m]\),

\[\begin{align*} \Pr[x_1,...,x_m\gets\bit^n, y_1\gets f(x_1), ..., y_m\gets f(x_m): A(y_1,...,y_m) \tinv | x_i \notin G]\\ = \Pr[j\gets[m] \text{ in } B : B_0(y) \tinv | x \notin G \cap j = i] \end{align*}\]

and thus

\[\begin{align*} &\Pr[B_0 \tinv | x \notin G] \\ &= \sum_i \Pr[B_0 \tinv \cap j = i | x \notin G] \\ &= \sum_i \Pr[B_0 \tinv \cap j = i \cap x \notin G] / \Pr[x \notin G] \\ &= \sum_i \Pr[B_0 \tinv | j = i \cap x \notin G] \cdot \left(\Pr[j = i \cap x \notin G] / \Pr[x \notin G]\right)\\ &= \sum_i \Pr[A \tinv | x_i \notin G] \Pr[j=i] = (1/m) \sum_i \Pr[A \tinv | x_i \notin G] \end{align*}\]

We thus conclude

\[\begin{align*} \Pr[A \tinv \cap \tsome x_i \notin G] \le m \cdot \Pr[B_0 \tinv | x \notin G] \lt m \cdot 1 / r_2. \end{align*}\]

and thus

\[\Pr[A \tinv] \lt e^{-n} + m \cdot 1/ r_2.\]

We choose \(r_2(n) = 2m \cdot p(n)\) so that \(\Pr[A \tinv] \lt 1/p\), contradicting (AC).

Discuss The above parameter \(m(n) := n\cdot 2q(n)\) is number of repetition on the weak OWF \(f\). Hence, the smaller the \(m\), the more efficienct the \(g\). Can we achieve a smaller \(m\)?

A Universal OWF

Cryptographers seldom sleep well

–Silvio Micali, personal communication to Joe Kilian, 1988

The above shows that, if we believe factoring is hard, then we can construct a one-way function. Unfortunately, we do not know how to prove factoring is hard, and [Shor ‘94] is indeed an evidence that factoring might be easy. Fortunately for cryptographers, even if factoring is in polynomial time, we may still have OWFs that are constructed from other assumptions (since factoring is not powerful enough to solve many other problems). Still, given so many candidate OWFs, can we have a OWF that is as strong as all of them? Also, there are many candidate OWFs we don’t yet know. Can we construct a OWF that is as strong as any OWF, even those we don’t yet know?

That is the idea of Universal One-Way Functions. Alternatively speaking, we want to construct a OWF from the assumption that the existence of OWFs (notice the difference between the existence and the construction). It is like a “complete” function of OWFs. Similar to proving the first NP-complete problem, here we show a universal OWF (and then we can construct other OWFs from here). It is amazing as we get the strongest of all candidate OWFs.

The idea is to construct a function that computes all easy-to-compute functions. Since any OWF must be easy to compute with a constant size TM, using random strings, we can sample such TM with almost constant probability even we do not know which TM it is.

Function: \(f_\univ\)

Input: \(y\), let \(n := |y|\).

  1. Interpret \(y\) as a pair \((M,x)\) of Turing machine and bitstring, where \(|M| = \log n\)
  2. Run \(M\) on \(x\) for \(T=n^2\) steps
  3. If \(M\) halts in \(T\) steps, output \((M,M(x))\); otherwise, output \(\bot\).

Theorem: A Universal Weak OWF

If there exists a OWF, then the above function \(f_\univ\) is a weak OWF.

To prove it, we will use the following lemma.

Lemma: Strong OWF in time \(O(n^2)\)

If there exists a strongly one-way function \(g\) , then there exists a strongly one-way function \(g'\) that is computable in time \(O(n^2)\).

Intuition: If there exists a strong OWF \(g\) in time \(O(n^2)\), then there exists (at least) a TM \(M_g\) that computes \(g\) in \(O(n^2)\) steps such that the description length \(|M_g| = d\) is a constant. WLOG, assume the description of any TM can be padded with a special \(\bot\) symbol to arbitrary long. For any \(s \ge |M_g|\), let \(M_{g,s}\) be the description of \(M_g\) padded to \(s\) bits. Then, for all sufficiently large \(n\), the \(\log n\)-bit random prefix of \(y\) is exactly \(M_{g,\log n}\) w.p. \(1/n\). Hence, \(f_\univ(y)\) is hard to invert.

Formally, assume for contra (AC), for all poly \(q(n)\), there exists NUPPT \(A\) s.t. for infinitely many \(n\in\N\),

\[\Pr[y\gets \bit^n, z \gets f_\univ(y) : f_\univ(A(1^n, z)) = z] \gt 1 - 1/q.\]

We construct NUPPT \(B\) that inverts \(z' \gets g(x)\) for \(x\gets \bit^{n-\log n}\) by

  1. Run \(y \gets A(1^n, (M_g,z'))\).
  2. Interpret \(y\) as \((M, x)\).
  3. If \(M = M_g\) and \(z' = g(x)\), output \(x\); otherwise, output \(\bot\).

Notice We uses \(M_g\) in \(B\) because \(B\) is asked to invert \(g\), which means that we know \(g\) in this proof. Alternatively, we prove it without AC in lecture, and there is only probability analysis which does not depend on \(g\).

By (AC), we have

\[\begin{align*} 1/q & \ge \Pr[A \tnotinv] \\ & \ge \Pr[A \tnotinv | y = (M_g, \star)] \Pr[y = (M_g, \star)] \\ & = \Pr[A \tnotinv | y = (M_g, \star)] \cdot (1/n). \end{align*}\]

Notice that

\[\Pr[A \tnotinv | y = (M_g, \star)] = \Pr[x\gets\bit^{n-\log n}, z' \gets g(x) : B \tnotinv].\]

Hence, we have

\[\Pr[B \tnotinv] \le n / q(n).\]

Choosing \(q(n) = n^2\) and \(A\) correspondingly, we have \(B\) inverts w.p. at least \(1-1/n\), that is greater than \(1/p(m)\) for some polynomial \(p\) and the input size \(m:= n - \log n\) of \(g\), contradicts \(g\) is a strong OWF.

Proof of Lemma (Strong OWF in time \(O(n^2)\))

Suppose we can compute \(g\) in time \(n^c\) for some const \(c \gt 2\). Then, for any input \(x \bit^{n^c}\), interpret \(x = x_1\|x_2\) s.t. \(|x_1| = n^c - n\), and then define \(g'(x) = g'(x_1\|x_2) := x_1 \| g(x_2).\) Let \(m=n^c\) be the input size of \(g'\) It is easy to see that \(g'\) is computable in \(O(m^2)\) time, and it follows by standard reduction that \(g'\) is hard to invert if \(g\) is a OWF.

Note: The above construction is impractical due to inefficiency. Suppose there exists a OWF that is easy to compute by a TM of 1000 bits. The above needs a “sufficiently long” input so that \(\log n \ge 1000\) to be a weak OWF, but that means the universal OWF is only hard for \(n = |x| \ge 2^{1000}\).

Discuss Can we find a more efficient construction of UOWF?

Collection of OWFs

To construct OWFs efficiently, many mathematical / computational assumptions are considered. The intuition is to consider efficiently sampleable distributions instead of uniformly random strings. The typical syntax is PPT algos \((\Gen, \Samp)\):

  • \[\pp \gets \Gen(1^n)\]
  • \[x \gets \Samp(1^n, \pp)\]
  • \[f_\pp : \bit^n \to \bit^\ast\]

And then, for all NUPPT adversary \(A\), there exists a negligible function \(\eps\) such that

\[\Pr[\pp\gets\Gen(1^n), x \gets \Samp(1^n, \pp), y \gets f_\pp(x) : f_\pp(A(1^n, \pp, y)) = 1] \le \eps(n).\]

For example, given the factoring assumption, we can construct a collection of OWF by

  • let \(\Gen\) output \(n\) directly,
  • let \(\Samp\) output two \(n\)-bit primes uniformly at random (using primality testing), and
  • let \(f_\pp\) be the \(n\)-bit multiplication.

Other collections (such as RSA, discrete logarithm, or Rabin) are more involved in their constructions, and they provide additional “properties” on top of OWF.

Primality Testing

Definition: Group

A group \(G\) is a set of elements with a binary operator \(\ast\) that satisfies the following properties:

  1. Closuer: \(\forall a,b \in G, a \ast b \in G\)
  2. Identity: \(\exists 1 \in G\) s.t. \(\forall a \in G, 1 \ast a = a \ast 1 = a\).
  3. Associativity: \(\forall a, b, c \in G, (a\ast b) \ast c = a \ast (b \ast c)\).
  4. Inverse: \(\forall a \in G, \exists b \in G\) s.t. \(a \ast b = b \ast a = 1\).

Definition: Euler’s Totient Function

Let \(Z_n^* := \set{a \in \N : a < n, \gcd(a,n)=1}\) be the multiplicative group modulo \(n\). Let \(\phi(n) := |Z_n^*|\) be the Euler’s totient.

Note: \(\phi(n) = p_1^{k_1-1}(p_1-1) \cdot p_2^{k_2-1}(p_2-1) ...\) for \(n = p_1^{k_1} \cdot p_2^{k_2} ...\) where \(p_i\) are distinct primes.

Theorem: Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT), or Extended Euclidean Algo

For any \(n_1, n_2 \in \N\) s.t. \(\gcd(n_1, n_2) = 1\),

\[Z_{n_1 n_2}^\ast \cong Z_{n_1}^\ast \times Z_{n_2}^\ast,\]

and we have poly time algos to transform from one representation to the other.

Theorem: (Euler)

\[\forall n \in \N, \forall a \in Z_n^*, a^{\phi(n)} = 1 \mod n\]

Let \(a \in Z_n^\ast\), and let \(S := \set{ax : x \in Z_n^\ast}\). We have \(S = Z_n^*\) (otherwise, we have \(x_1 \neq x_2\) but \(ax_1 = ax_2\), a contradiction given \(a^{-1}\) exists). Then, by commutative for the first equality,

\[\prod_{x \in Z_n^\ast} x = \prod_{b \in S} b = \prod_{x \in Z_n^\ast} ax = a^{\phi(n)} \prod_{x \in Z_n^\ast} x.\]

That implies \(a^{\phi(n)} = 1\).

Corollary: (Fermat’s Little Theorem)

For all prime \(p\),

\[\forall a \in Z_p^*, a^{p-1} = 1 \mod p\]


For any composite \(n \in \N\), we say that \(a \in Z_n^*\) is a witness if \(a^{n-1} \neq 1 \mod n\).

Lemma: strict subgroup is small

Let \(G\) be a finite group. If \(H \subset G\) is a strict subgroup of \(G\), then \(|H| \le |G| / 2\).

Let \(b \in G\) be an element s.t. \(b \notin H\). Consider elements in the set \(B:=\set{ab : a \in H}\). If there exists \(ab \in H\), then we have \(a^{-1}ab = b \in H\), contradiction. Hence, \(B \cap H = \emptyset\), and it remains to show that \(|B| = |H|\). Suppose for contradiction that \(|B| < |H|\), then there exist \(a_1\neq a_2 \in H\) s.t. \(a_1 b = a_2 b\), a contradiction since we can multiply \(b^{-1}\) on both sides.


For all \(n\in \N\), if there exists a witness, then there are at least \(\phi(n) / 2\) witnesses.

Let \(H \subset Z_n^*\) be the subset of none witnesses. We have \(1 \in H\), and \(H\) is a subgroup modular \(n\). Given that there exists a witness, \(H\) is a strict subgroup. We can then show that any strict subgroup is at most half size of the supergroup, ie, \(|H| \le \phi(n) / 2\).

Definition: Strong witness

For any composite \(n \in \N\), write \(n-1 = 2^r \cdot d\) for some integer \(r\in \N\) and odd \(d\). We say that \(a \in Z_n^*\) is a strong witness if

\[\begin{align*} & a^d \neq \pm 1 \mod n ~\text{, and }~\\ & a^{2^i \cdot d} \neq -1 \mod n \text{ for all } i = 1,2,...,r-1 \end{align*}\]

Lemma: (warm up)

If \(a\) is a witness, then \(a\) is also a strong witness.

Assume for contradiction that \(a\) is not a strong witness. Then the sequence \(a^d, a^{2d}, ..., a^{2^r d}\) is either

  • \((\pm 1, 1, 1, ..., 1)\), or
  • \((\star, \star, ..., -1, 1,1, ..., 1)\).

Hence, \(a\) is not a witness, a contradiction.

Lemma: (Miller-Rabin, every prime has no strong witness)

If \(n\) prime, then there is no strong witness in \(Z_n^*\).

If \(n\) prime, then the only solution to \(x^2 = 1 \mod n\) is \(\pm 1\) (need proof). By Fermat’s Little Theorem, for any \(a \in Z_n^*\), \(a^{2^r d} = 1 \mod n\), and \(a^{2^{r-1} d} = \pm 1 \mod n\). If \(-1\), then it is not a strong witness. Otherwise, \(1\), we can continue the next square root \(r-2\), and so on, until \(a^d\), which must be \(\pm 1\).

It remains to show that every composite has many strong witnesses. The first step is to exclude perfect powers. The second step is to show that other composites have many strong witnesses.

Lemma:(Miller-Rabin, every composite has many strong witnesses)

If \(n\) is composite such that \(n = n_1 \cdot n_2\) for some coprime \(n_1,n_2\), then there are at least half strong witness in \(Z_n^*\).

Let \(H:=\set{a \in Z_n^\ast : a \text{ is a not a strong witness}}\). We will show that there exists \(\bar H \supset H\) s.t. \(\bar H\) is a strict subgroup of \(Z_n^*\), which is sufficient (as \(|H| \le |\bar H| \le |Z_n^\ast|/2\)).

Let \(2^r d = n-1\). For each \(a \in H\), consider the sequence \(a^d, a^{2d}, ..., a^{2^r d}\). Let \(j\) be the largest index such that

\[\exists a \in H, a^{2^j d} = -1 \mod n\]

(so that for all \(a\in H\), \(a^{2^{j+1}d} = 1 \mod n\)).

Such \(j < r\) exists because \((-1)^d = -1 \mod n\) since \(d\) odd. Now, define

\[J := 2^j\cdot d, \text{ and } \bar H:= \set{a : a^J = \pm 1 \mod n}.\]

Clearly, $H \subseteq \bar H$. Also, $\bar H$ is a subgroup (need proof). It remains to show that $\bar H$ is strict. Let $a\in \bar H$ be an element s.t. $a^J = -1 \mod n$ (where $a$ exists by def of $H$). Let $a_1 \in Z_{n_1}^\ast$ be the element s.t.

\[a = a_1 \mod n_1.\]

Then, we have

\[a_1^J = a^J = -1 \mod n_1,\]

where the second equality holds by \(n=n_1n_2\) and \(\gcd(n_1,n_2)=1\). Let \(b_1=a_1 \mod n_1\) and \(b_2=1 \mod n_2\), and let

\[b = b_1 \mod n_1 = b_2 \mod n_2\]

by CRT. Then, we have

\[\begin{align*} b^J & = b_1^J = -1 \mod n_1 \\ & = b_2^J = 1 \mod n_2. \end{align*}\]

Because \(1 = 1 \mod n_1 = 1 \mod n_2\) and \(-1 = -1 \mod n_1 = -1 \mod n_2\) are unique, \(b^J \neq \pm 1 \mod n\), which implies \(b \notin \bar H\).

Algorithm: Miller-Rabin Primality Testing

Input: \(n\)

  1. Output ‘No’ if \(n\) even.
  2. Output ‘No’ if \(n = x^y\) is a perfect power for some \(x,y \in \N\).
  3. Write \(n-1\) as \(2^r d\).
  4. Repeat \(\lambda\) times:
    • Sample uniformly \(a \gets Z_n^\ast\) (by computing \(\gcd(a,n)\)).
    • If \(a\) is a strong witness, output ‘No’.
  5. Output ‘Yes’.

Theorem: For any prime \(n\), this algo outputs ‘Yes’ w.p. 1. For any composite \(n\), this algo outputs ‘Yes’ w.p. \(\le 2^{-\lambda}\).

See also: Solovay-Strassen Primality Test

Article on Wikipedia

For odd \(n\) and integer \(a\), let \(J(a,n)\) be the Jacobi symbol. The Solovay-Strassen primality test checks the given input \(n\) by

  1. Sample random \(a\)
  2. Compute \(J(a,n)\)
  3. Output “NOT PRIME” if \(a^{(n-1)/2} \neq J(a,n) \mod n\).

Similar to Miller-Rabin, any prime \(n\) always passes the test: \(J(a,n)\) is exactly the Legengre symbol, and the test is Euler’s criteria. For composit \(n\), there are witnesses and liars such that \(a\) is a witness iff \(a\) yields NOT PRIME. It can be shown that 1) the existence of witness and 2) the liars are a subgroup. That implies that there are at least half witnesses.

Ref: Martin Dietzfelbinger, Primality Testing in Polynomial Time